Block Model Importation

1. Importing your dataset

1.1 Block Model File

To import the block model, select the option Import Model on the left panel of MiningMath. Notice in Figure 1 that the File name input field is shown in red, indicating a mandatory field. Browse for and select the CSV formatted file. Press Next to advance.

Figure 1: Importing a CSV model.

1.2 Project Naming

In the next window, shown in Figure 2, the Model Name must be entered.

Optionally, the destination folder (Model Folder) can be changed as well as the Scenario Name, and a Scenario Description can be added.

Figure 2: Defining a name for the model and the first scenario.

Decimal separator

MiningMath does not recognize CSV's using semicolon as a decimal separator.

To change it, go to:

Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region > Region > Change date, time, or number formats > Additional Settings then change the List Separator to the comma sign ( , ). Press OK and OK.

Finally, you will need to change the separator on the CSV. On Excel, you will need to open it, convert text to columns, and then save it again.

1.3. Imported Fields & Validation

Upon clicking Next, the following window will provide a statistical summary of information for the block model that will be imported, as shown in Figure 3.

Check the parameters carefully.

Figure 3: Validating your data.

1.4. Geo-reference system, Origin, and Dimension

Upon clicking Next, the CSV file will be imported into MiningMath, and show data related to the block model geo-reference system, that can be coordinates or index. The next steps are to place the origin accordingly with your mining package and the block dimension as illustrated in Figure 4. The origin of this project was x=3,475, y=6,480, and z=285, and the block dimensions were 30 meters in each coordinate.

Figure 4: Coordinates input.

1.5. Field Type Assignment

When Next is selected, the following form will appear (Figure 5), showing correlations between the imported CSV file header and the available field types in MiningMath. You must associate each imported column to one of the options located just above the table, for instance: block coordinates X, Y, and Z to Coord. X, Y, and Z field types. For more details on how you can correlate each column, access this link. You can also keep the original data from your previous Mining Package, by using this approach.Note: If you do not already have an Economic Value function, when importing your block model, you will be directed to the Scenario tab. Then, click on the Function Tab to calculate your Economic Value function in the internal calculator as explained on the next page.

Figure 5: Assigning each column to the proper field type.


  • Validating data screen might be overlooked, but it is very important to validate one's data based on minimums and maximums. Read more.

  • Each column imported should be assigned to the proper field type in order for MiningMath to treat each variable accordingly. Read more.

  • MiningMath recognizes Field Types whose names match the CSV header. However, you might need to assign some columns to the corresponding field type to make the Next button available. Read more.

1.6 Grade, Dimension and Origin

After clicking Next, it will demand grade units. As you can see in Figure 6, the copper grade has been defined as a percentage (%), while gold grade was defined as PPM, which stands for parts per million and, in turn, is equivalent to g/ton.

Figure 6: Informing block dimensions, origin, and grade units.

1.7 View Your Model and Surfaces

After filling in the required fields, the options View Model and Scenarios will be enabled. Before setting up your first scenario you can view it by clicking in the Viewer and Load scenario. Select all the tooltip options and click in load. This option also allows you to view surfaces created, just place them in the scenario folder before loading and do the first validation.


  1. Where are the high grades distributed?

  2. Does the process economic values, above zero, match with the regions identified in the last question?

  3. How are waste economic values distributed? Are maximum and minimum values reasonable when you compare them with the process?

Note: A warning message can appear as no scenario was run before. Just press ok, check your block model and proceed to set up your project.

Common Issues related to this page.