User Interface (UI)
MiningMath UI is quite simple and intuitive, working like a step-by-step wizard. However, there are hidden and advanced possibilities to guide the software up to doing challenging evaluations. For this reason, the UI section aims to explain screen-by-screen, all the constraints available, their behavior within the algorithm framework, and also these unusual applications they might have.
The main menu in which you can activate, open a scenario, view and import/export a model, and check previous projects.
This tab allows the user to edit the block model, create new fields and remove them.
Define default density, default slope angle, discount rate, and costs related to a stockpile.
Insert destinations along with economic functions, process recovery, and manage stockpiles: stocked blocks, artificial stockpiles, reclamation policy, and variable mining costs.
Use production limits for the processing stream, waste dump, total and vary these values by period ranges.
Set operational constraints as widths and vertical rate of advance. Use surfaces by period ranges and explore: to force and restrict mining or combining both, validate your surfaces and use them as a guide.
Place the limits based on averages by period ranges and destinations.
Understand how can you add mining fronts, material types control, mining fronts, and any limit based on summed parameters by period ranges and destinations.
Summarizes all inputs for a final check and save it.
Setup your output preferences and check all the results generated on the optimization.